Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Monday, October 9, 2023


Where do I start!¡ 

This week I was in my area for like one day and 5 hours lol. But those hours were legit some goodies. Had a fire member family lesson with another awesome family. The spirit was aboding with us. Then Hermana whipped up high-class Nicagüense cuisine. 

Espana X USA

Elder Nebeker!!
Had an absolute DIGNO exchange (intercambio) with my DAWG Élder Nebeker. Love that man like a brother. He speaks Argentinan Spanish like a real one so I spent the day learning voz and the Argentinian accento. I'm gonna come back with every accent on lock🔒🔒.

1 Corinthians 9:22

"To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some" 

Paul was such a good missionary because he focused on helping everyone individually by becoming like them. So for those españoles dang right I'm gonna talk with a lisp and with them argentinos darn straight finna say "sjho me sjhamo." I'll let y'all know how it goes.
Rip the squad!

Farewell Elder Nelson

Then Élder Nelson left! RIP. Crazy that I'm leading out PAIS VASCO. Sheesh, gonna rely on the Lord a lot.
My view from the bus on the way back from Bilbao for the 100th time this week.
Bilbao!  My 2nd home!


Then I went on "exchanges" with Élder Smith for 3 days straight lol. Waiting for my new companion, Élder Arcos to arrive. Elder Smith and I worked well together and we had fun seeing a few miracles. The work is so lit. It's literally just miracles all day.
Taking out someone's trash.
Got my new comp - Élder Arcos, from Barcelona (padres de Perú).  It took him four days to travel to get to me because he had been serving in the Canary Islands.  This is why I spent several days in Bilbao while I was waiting for Élder Arocs to arrive in Sans Sebastian. So this is when I get that ceta down, that nicely Spanish that is cool. *I'm gonna be praying for the don de lenguas a lot* He's dope, he is a lot different than my last comp. Possibly the exact opposite. Love all the comps. 

This week while I was in church during sacrament meeting I realized, I am literally the ONLY person here who is from the United States of America🦅🦅. Idk if you have ever had that experience, but let me tell you. It is like, ¡PÚCHICA! (Like "shoot!") For my fellow Americanos. So I felt like an absolute foreign boy, but hey at least we all love Jesús and have the same padre en those cielos. 
Four returned missionaries (served in San Sebastián) five years ago stopped us on the streets to talk.
B Pack!  I saw basically my brother on a zoom call this week (Braydon Packard, Alexa's brother...top left picture with the glasses)

Love y'all, I'm gonna do all I can to have a productive, spiritual, fun week. Do the same. Then send me pics!


Elder Ditto

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