Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Monday, October 7, 2024

Jesus, Jason, and Jeneral Conference

First things first, the second coming is pronto, so prepare yourselves. Secondly, President Nelson (the prophet of the church today) is a prophet of the Lord, and President Nelson will be preserved until he has done all God needs him to. He shared a crazy story that some goons tried to rob him and they pulled the trigger at Presidente Nelson, and the gun didn't fire. Good try goons, gonna have to think tat one thru next time.

Some of y'all might remember Jason, he is awesome. He lives in Torrejon (my previous area) but needed to get married before he could get baptized, and literally, every single opposition possible that could have arisen arose twice. But Jason and Fabiola are so faithful and patient and were able to get married on Friday and Jason was baptized on Saturday. Jason asked me to perform the baptism so I was able to zoom over to Torrejon to do it. Jason told me that the whole process helped him grow his patience "which I didn't have before" - Jason. Even though I personally thought Jason was so ready to get baptized 4 months ago, this is one of those times where I think that God has his own perfect time for things. Jason and Fabiola are legendary.

Favorite quotes from General Conference:

"The best is yet to come because the Savior is coming." - President Russell M Nelson

"Every sincere seeker of Jesus Christ will find Him in the temple" - Russell M Nelson

"Dont water a tree by splashing water on the branches." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Teach with simplicity" - Henry B. Eyring

"Sitting on a church pew doesn't make you any more Christian than sleeping in a garage makes you a car." - Elder Buckner
Also, I finished the Doctrine and Covenants, it teaches us a lot about the Plan of Salvation, the organization of the Church, and that I need to trust in the prophet 100% as he receives revelation from Heavenly Father.

Love, Elder Ditto

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