This week I met a lot of Young Chap fans, it's sick to see some homies here. Shoutout Sister Bake and everyone else who bumps YC.
Me and bro (visa). Can't wait to go to Spain! |
Humility. That's what I am learning and trying to work on. Jesus is the perfect example of humility. Even though He knew everything and had so much power He was always serving and never thought of himself as better than anyone else. Today my district and I got to go to the temple. I always feel the spirit so strong in the temple and I am grateful for that because it is a time where I can receive answers to my questions.
Mi districto!! (after our first Spanish class) |
I went into the temple asking how I could be a better teacher and not be as hindered by Spanish, and I read some excellent scriptures that helped me out. Of course, one was Ether 12:27, one of my favorites came to mind, I love it. It is Jesus talking to us, He says, "I give unto men weakness that they may be humble, and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." I want one of my strengths to be following the spirit when teaching (especially in Spanish). So I need to be humble, teachable, and have faith. This week think about something you need help with, and I know that as you stay humble and rely on Christ, He WILL help you.
Thank you Emilia. Big W, hand-crafted this righteous ski mask. the Book of Mormon is powerful. Keep reading it! And if you haven't, try it out! |
I thought I was good at Spanish, and thanks to Hernandez, Nelson, and Profe I've got a little lingo down. muchas gracias. But, I don't know much about gospel-related topics or vocab in español. Languages are hard, mad props to everyone learning languages rn. Here's a story from yesterday about my young gun gringo rookie Spanish:
We were giving a short lesson to our teacher Hermana Yauney (she was acting as one of the investigators she taught in the Dominican Republic) and it was all in Spanish. We asked her how her family was doing and she responded with some wicked fast Español, so I didnt really understand what she was saying. But she seemed sad about whatever it was, so when she stopped talking I said "lo siento" (sorry). You know, trying to be a good missionary and human being. Then both my companions and Hermana Yauney started laughing at me. So I was like, "uh what." After Elder Esmít (Elder Smith) did a pregant hand gesture for me, I figured out she said her mom was pregnant. Which is exciting, so I tried to recover by saying "¡Que Bueno!" I know, I'm smooth wit it. When we finished, Hermana Yauney asked how we felt about the lesson, and I said "estoy embarasado." Thinking embarasado means embarrassed, cuz like, it should. But. I guess it means pregnant. What are the odds haha. So they all laughed at me again. Español man, es deficil.
A group of us on the way back from getting our VISAs! |
On Tuesday we got to go on a field trip to UVU to get our passports and VISAs. The consulate of Spain, Consul Lago, is the plug and worked hard to get the VISAs to us on time. Love that man. He's from Spain and he is super smart, and he told us a little about how cool España is.
Elder Balser copped a Hackeysack, blessss
Holiest tech deck edit you've seen