Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Monday, September 30, 2024


This week was pretty crazy. 

In this mission, we are allowed to go to one "cultural event," which is usually either a Real Madrid soccer game or San Fermin if you are in Pamplona. So the bois and I fuimos a Real Madrid on Tuesday, basically double pday lol. And it was unreal. Real Madrid has to be the most classic soccer club ever! They have an anthem they sing to start the game when they score and to end the game. The song sounds like you are going to war.

Matias and Fabiana got baptized! They are 8 yrs old but they wanted us to baptize them so that was very special. Their mom Diana is a beast, she is a single mom and helps her kids so much.

More stuff probably happened, but I gotta preach.
Oh ya! How could I have almost forgotten? On like Tuesday we were like, "Where do we go?" And we went to a bench, always a safe option, and like 20 minutes later a inactive member of the church named Moises came up to us, he told us he wanted to pay his tithing and come back to church, we got his number and he came to church on Sunday, there's a lot more incredible parts to the story and ill tell you later. God loves his kids so he will figure out how to find em. 
Love, Elder Ditto

Monday, September 23, 2024

Stumbling Block

Hello blokes! This week was way good. some highlights:

1. Zone Conference with Elder McConkie and Sister McConkie and some other reuniones with them. They both speak so well and bring the spirit wherever they go. We talked about turning "stumbling blocks" into "stepping stones" in other words, turning opposition into opportunity and the key to doing so is a change of perspective. I have been focusing on changing my perspective on the little/big things every day with the goal of always being happy, easier said than done but ima try to do it like Dylan Kitt. 

2. We had Stake Conference on Sunday at the church next to the temple in Madrid. It was also very good, and a little sad because 4/6 speakers spoke in English and had a translator. I am grateful for English. A fire talk was given about covenants and ordinances. A covenant is an alliance between us and God and an ordinance is a physical representation of that. Ex: baptism. Covenant: keep commandments, serve others, take the name of Christ upon us, and endure to the end. Ordinance: go underwater then back up again. BUT the cool part comes now. In Italian the word covenant is alliance. In French, the word for a wedding ring is also alliance. When we covenant to Heavenly Father we are making an alliance, and temple marriage is another example! wordplay is my favorite

3. I am kinda sick

4. I am going to Real Madrid soccer game tomorrow!
5. We are teaching some cool people!

6. The Kingdom of God is on the earth and it's The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

My dad sent me this picture of their stake missionary board.  So fun to see Cooper and my pictures up there together!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Perfecting Toward God

I met a guy named Stif this week (Steve)  Before my mission I thought Latino people's names were always Manuel or Jose but honestly it's like 50/50 between the classic Jes煤s and the dude named Peter, you never know. 

Satan, Sadness                            God, Happiness
馃槚                                   馃‍♂️                                   馃槆
         < - - - - - - - - - - -              - - - - - - - - - - - >
                   (sin)                      (repentance)

Ok, I hope that worked. I was thinking about this. We are all imperfect and live in a sinful world. In this beautiful diagram I crafted, the 馃‍♂️ (us) never can stay in the same place. We are either moving towards the 馃槚 or the 馃槆. If I sleep an entire day as a missionary, I didn't complete my purpose for that day, so it's bad and it's a sin, not a mega sin but it's definitely not moving me towards God. If I spend the whole day teaching people about Jesus, that's good and it helps me move towards God.
The  - - - - - - - - > motion on the diagram is repentance, we don't have to kill someone or steal in order to repent. If we want to become like Christ or God (pure intentions, loving...) it requires changing some things about us and starting new things about us. This is what repentance means! Repentance also is not an event, it is a way of life 馃槆 If we strive to become like Jes煤s and Heavenly Father we will end up repenting every day! And it often is hard to repent or painful, and Jesus understands Kinda interesting and it's not perfect so lmk if you have thoughts. 

Exchange with Anciano Garces from Italy. We went to Usera, Madrid to eat ramen because it is literally China. All the signs and people are Chinese 馃嚚馃嚦 It was a cool vibe.
My mom sent my Chik fil A sauce a while ago 馃 and I put in on Arroz Chaufa at a member meal, it was a hit.

Stif and Maria pulled up to church without knowing really anything about the church. That's faith. Gonna see what's good with them this week.

Love, Elder Ditto

Monday, September 9, 2024

God Has It All Planned Out

Hola amigos. 

I am now serving in a little jam-packed city called Alcorcon. It is also in Madrid, like my last area but on the west side. I have been here for about a week and it seems super good. 
I am serving in a "branch" (the name for the group of members in the church here, there are like 70 that come on Sundays) and the Branch President seems mad helpful and the Counselor and Secretary gave us a member list so facilmente it was actually a milagro. So the branch is lit fr.

Fun facts:
☺ the Alcorcon soccer team is sponsored by Kappa
 my comp is actually so good a the piano, when he plays songs his fingers go so fast and tickle so many keys it looks like a lizard is running around the ivories
worth the read -- We went to the temple on Thursday and as we were approaching I was thinking about the one time like 4 months ago I was at the temple and the Pamplona ward happened to be there the same day and got to see Maryori and Luana. Insane miracle btw. And then as I was thinking about that I heard "Ditto!!" So I looked yonder and saw MARYORI??!?! Ya fr, she was on vacation from Pamplona in Madrid and was walking next to the temple right as we got there, insane, so we took a pic and she facetimed Betzabeth and Luana, and we talked for a sec, idk how that all worked out but it was so awesome, god is insanely good.
Elder Farnsworth and I are different from each other and that's chill tbh, we both rlly want to become insane misisoneros, like Alma and Amulek or like Paul and someone else lol. so we are trying to change the way we do "missionary work" in any more effective way we can. Just trying to work hard every day and do things that really help the Lord's work. At the end of the day, I know that it comes down to following the spirit and finding the one elect person who God has been preparing. Are we having a mid-mission crisis? lol

Doctrine and Covenants 64: 33-34
"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
 Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days"

This scripture helped me a lot. If I desire to help and focus on this work the Lord is able to magnify my efforts and it'll all be ok. Idk how He does it, but he did it again. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and my Savior's love for me. 
Classical music is lowkey fire, it makes me feel smart. if you send me an email I wont be mad.


Elder Ditto

Monday, September 2, 2024

Hasta Loogo Torrejon de Ardoz

This week I have been thinking a lot about what makes a great teacher? and who have been my best teachers?? Because as a "normal person" before being a missionary, you don't really teach anyone anything, but then all of a sudden, you are supposed to be a pro teacher 24/7! 

I feel like the answer to the classic question, "How can I prepare for my mission?" would actually be to start teaching people things! Teach them how to ski, play kendama, make a song, read, give a talk etc. Cuz think about it, in your life, which class has been your least favorite?? Was it because maybe the teacher was not good? And then think about your favorite class/subject in school. I am willing to bet that the teacher in that class was a phenomenal teacher. lmk. And that is exactly why I have been focusing intensely on becoming a better teacher, if you are a missionary and you are reading this, you are a real one, and I invite you to read "Teaching in the Savior's Way" trust. 

Btw I am leaving Torrejon de Ardoz tmmr and going to serve in Alcorcon with Elder Farnsworth. He is from Lubbock Texas from what I have heard, shoutout Coopy. I feel very satisfied with the work I have been able to do in Torrejon and also at this point I recognize probably 20% of all citizens in Torrejon and have probably tried to teach 19% of them already so I think it's probably about time to bounce lol. 
Elder Thacker and I were able to teach our family from Peru on Saturday about the Plan of Salvacion and Bautismo. We really really focused on trying to teach simply, with the spirit, and boldly, and it was so good. The spirit was definitely there. We invited them all to be baptized on the 21st of September, and the mom and dad said "yes," and the 3 kids were unsure. They are reading, praying, coming to church, and the activities, so I have faith they will all feel ready by that time. I am very grateful to have been able to see the beginning process of this family's conversion and also how much the mom and dad have changed. They are so humble, sincere, and really cool people.
Something kinda random but it is crazy that normal life keeps going while someone is serving a mission. At home we have an exchange student from Bilbao, Cooper is at BYU, Alysee is gonna have a baby, and many other things that idk if they are secrets or not lol. But it makes me proud and happy to see that my family is continually progressing. 
I want new hobbies, send ideas. I'm thinking about buying a guitar.

Love, Elder Ditto

Went to the Prado!

  - We went to the  Museo del Prado in Madrid  and saw some classic paintings.  A lot of the paintings and sculptures I had learned about in...