Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Monday, December 4, 2023


New compinche! Élder Miranda from Paraguay.  He had been visa-waiting for awhile in Paraguay which is why he came at an odd time during a transfer.  He's the best!

Highlights from the week:
  • Started work in our area
Our area is inside the pink lines.

  • We are bike elders, the only ones in Spain as far as I know
One of our bikes is extra hilarious -- we call it "baby bike"
  • Had a super good Zone Conference about a lot of important things like helping new investigators and members have friends, repentance, and planning.

  • My mom sent me a package with an advent calendar (mymomssolit!)
Advent calendar from my momma
  • Freestyled in Spanish a lot, it's so fun

  • Drank terere

  • Isabel and her pareja John pulled up to choich!

  • An old awesome dude (Josias) knocked on the church door last night, he wanted to do genealogy! So we taught him and we are going to meet with him tonight. 

  • We went to Decathalon this morning (like Big 5 but cheaper and cooler) and bought indoor fútbol shoes and a futsal ball. And SAW JOSIAS. literally insane.
Mosíah 15:22
"And now, the resurrection of all the prophets, and all those that have believed in their words, or all those that have kept the commandments of God, shall come forth in the first resurrection; therefore, they are the first resurrection."

I love this scripture! Please read it. When I read the Libro de Mormón in Spanish it takes a lot longer than normal. But it makes me pay more attention to what was really written and what the verse really means. Spanish lesson: "haber" + a verb means "to have + a verb" it is past tense, it already happened. "Han creído" means "they ALREADY had believed." Read Mosiah 15: 22 and pat attención to the words. We have to have ALREADY believed and kept God's commandments when we are judged. And Jesus' repentance allows us to Start now:)


Elder Ditto

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