Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Elder Nathan Ditto Email Address: nathan.ditto@missionary.org

Monday, December 16, 2024

Peace in the Gospel

Big news fellas. i have a neice ☺ Alysee dió la luz el 11 de Diciembre to Nora, foto abajo.
Alysee and baby Nora
Jonny Appleseed (codename) is awesome. He is a Spaniard man who is receiving so much peace and confidence in himself and in Jesus Christ thanks to many things but mostly the spirit he feels when he reads the Book of Mormón. His bautismo is planned for this Sunday. Pls pray for him 🙏 
Plan of Salvation

This week we were teaching him the plan of salvación and he randomly goes 💡"Wait a minute, I just had a little thought pop into my head, when we partake of the bread and the water is it to remember the body and blood of Christ? And is it a moment to remember His sacrifice and try to be closer to Him?" 💡 It was so cool because we were not talking about that at all in the lesson, the Holy Ghost totally taught Jonny Appleseed that. It was very special to witness that.

2 Nephi 20:15

"Shall the ax boast itself against him that heweth therewith?" 

Uf 🪓 It's so true. 

After being used to cut down a tree, an axe is obviously not going to boast and be like, "I am so awesome for cutting down that tree." 

As a missionary, I can't think, "Wow, I am so cool for saying that or for going to talk to that person." 

Because if I believe that God guides us to people, then I am like the axe, which is useful but is the instrument or tool needed to get the job done.  God is grand, and I am grateful that He has let me participate in His work. 

Today we went to Segovia, and tonight we are going to Salamanca. I took some cool pics.

Spreading Christmas Cheer

Kendama fun in Segovia with the castle in the background

Love, Elder Ditto

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